Mentorship Circle
CAHME Mentorship Circle
The CAHME Mentorship Circle (CMC) is an opportunity for model programs to mentor other programs who are seeking continuous quality improvement or accreditation.
The purpose of the Mentorship Circle is to provide recognition, and to encourage program participation, the CAHME Board hereby establishes the CAHME Mentorship Circle for CAHME-accredited programs that demonstrate a commitment to advance the quality of healthcare management education.
A Mentorship Circle designation is an honor and a responsibility. Being a CMC program requires aprocess of mission leadership to advance the quality of graduate healthcare management education.
The following requirements must be met for a program to be eligible to participate in
- Programs must propose a mentorship activity that is acceptable to the committee.
- Programs must report their mentorship activity annually.
- Programs must have received a seven-year re-accreditation on their last accreditation survey.
- Programs must agree, when their CMC membership lapses, to remove the CMC logo/designation from all materials and websites in a reasonable period of time.
Programs effectively withdraw from the program if they:
- Fail to receive a full 7-year re-accreditation
- Do not report their mentorship activity.
The Application will request the program to report:
- The program’s self-identified strengths, and why it considers these strengths.
- Why the program is pursuing CMC. The program should address:
- The activity proposed.
- How the program and the proposed activity exemplifies CAHME’s mission
to advance the quality of graduate healthcare management education.
- Designation and reporting that it meets eligibility requirements
- Initial date of CAHME Accreditation
Once accepted, the program agrees to mentor other program(s) or perform a significant activity that serves to advance the quality of graduate healthcare management education. Examples of activities include (but are not limited to):
- A case study of a “best practice” at the program;
- Mentoring a program in candidacy, including reviewing eAccreditation materials,
conference calls to advise around competency models, or site visit preparation. - Becoming involved in an international program accreditation
- Assisting programs who are in probation, or a program at risk;
- Senior faculty mentoring junior faculty at other programs in the publication of
manuscripts to support scholarly activities. - A substantial activity that benefits the field of healthcare management education (e.g. major case competition); Other. Programs may present other activities to propose to the committee.
The CMC Committee will review and counsel programs on their proposed activities.
Annually, the CAHME Vice President of Accreditation Services will compile program
reports and present a report to the CAHME Board of Directors.
- Programs interested in CMC will apply no later than September 1 to be considered in the fall, and on February 1 to be considered in the Spring.
- The CMC Committee will forward applications twice a year with recommendations to the CAHME Board.
- The CAHME Board of Directors will be the final approver of programs designated as CMC as proposed by the committee.
- The CAHME Board of Directors can remove programs that fail to fulfill their responsibilities.
- CMC Designation is valid through the date of its next reaccreditation, at which point the program must reapply.
The CMC Committee will continue as a permanent committee known as the CAHME Mentorship Circle Committee. This Committee will report its recommendations and activities of CMC programs to the CAHME Board twice a year.
The CMC Committee shall be no fewer than 6 people, and no more than 9, and will consist of nearly equal parts academic and profession. The terms of committee members will be three years in duration, staggered terms for the initial committee membership. One-third of the initial committee membership will expire after one year, the second third after two years.
A quorum of members is required for voting to recommend programs for the board as CMC. CAHME staff will serve as non-voting members of the committee.
The CAHME Board shall approve members.
Logo and Designation
Programs that are approved (and accepted) into the CMC shall be permitted to use in marketing materials the CAHME CMC logo. A distinct CMC logo has been developed for use by CMC programs.