Viewpoint on Accreditation
CAHME recognizes flexibility and innovation are essential to the design and development of curricula and course formats which:
- Meet the diverse educational needs of all students, both full-time and part-time.
- Address the broad scope of career opportunities in the field of health services administration.
Each Program’s mission, goals, and objectives serve as the basis upon which the Criteria are applied. The emphasis placed on various applications of health services administration will therefore depend upon the Program’s mission and goals.
Healthcare management is used as the single term to include:
- Healthcare administration
- Health services management
- Hospital or other health care organization-specific administration and management
- Health planning and evaluation
- Health policy and other related activities
Accredited programs are housed in different settings within the university including:
- Schools of Business
- Schools of Medicine
- Schools of Public Health
- Public Administration
- Allied Health Sciences and Graduate Studies

A variety of degrees reflect the disciplinary focus of the program such as MBA, MHA, MHSA, MPH, MS, and others. All programs seeking CAHME accreditation are subject to the Criteria for Accreditation. Those standards embody the following values:
- Maintain flexibility and adaptability while stimulating and promoting high standards that lead to excellence in education
- Be customer oriented, especially toward students and employers representing the many sectors of healthcare
- Recognize the diversity of institutions and programs offering graduate degrees in healthcare management
- Focus on purpose and results, not only structures or methods
- Support multiple models but insist on demonstration of meeting standards and established competencies
- Encourage exemplary performance through the documentation, communication and utilization of documented best and innovative practices in teaching, scholarship and service