Board Member Application

CAHME’s Board is a fully independent self-perpetuating board.  For FY 2025, there will be two open positions on the CAHME Board.  The bylaws defines these open positions as follows:

  1. Academic Board Member.  These members shall be represented by those organizations which formally train healthcare managers, leaders, or other health professions, and offer formal undergraduate, graduate and/or doctorate degrees; or are associations of faculty in academia.
  2. Public Board Member. These members are represented by a person who is not: (i) an employee, member of the governing board, owner, or shareholder of, or consultant to, an institution or program that either is, or has been, accredited by CAHME or has applied for candidacy; (ii) member of any trade association or membership organization related to, affiliated with, or associated with CAHME; or (iii) a spouse, parent, child, or sibling of an individual identified in (i) or (ii) of this definition.

A representative of the public may include a clinician (for example, a physician, a nurse, nurse practitioner), whose affiliation with an academic entity does not disqualify participation on the Board, as long as they provide needed attributes as required by CAHME as deemed by the Board.

The CAHME Board has asked that potential board member should demonstrate the following qualities and characteristics:

  • The ability to listen, analyze, think clearly and creatively, work well with people individually and in a group.
  • Understand that a board member does not represent a specific constituency but rather has responsibility for promoting the best interest of CAHME.
  • Demonstrate their understanding and agreement with their fiduciary responsibility as a Board member
  • A willingness to prepare for and attend board and committee meetings, ask questions, take responsibility, and follow through on a given assignment, open doors in the community, and evaluate oneself.
  • A willingness to learn more about essential role that the accreditation purpose serves of CAHME cultivate and recruit corporate members and sponsors and other volunteers, read and understand financial statements, and other duties as needed.
  • Honesty, sensitivity to and tolerance of differing views, a friendly, responsive, and patient approach, community-building skills, personal integrity, a developed sense of values, concern for the CAHME’s development, and a sense of humor.
  • Commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion through demonstrated activities.

This year, the Board indicates that candidates for the open Academic position with the following characteristics will be particular interest:

  • Current of past experience as a program director at a graduate healthcare management program.
  • Involvement in university-wide strategic planning process.
  • Must be forward thinking to evolve to the future needs of students, higher education entities, and most importantly, the profession.
  • The ability to positively influence external relationships with other educational associations.
  • Past demonstrated participation with CAHME.  This includes, but is not limited to site visitor experience, committee members, and producing educational materials.

To view current CAHME Board members, go to

To apply, send a letter of interest and a cv to by March 14, 2024.

The Board Member Applications have closed. Please check back in March 2025.