In Memoriam: Nancy Levitt-Rosenthal, MPH, FACHE
It is with a heavy heart that I share the sad news that a member of CAHME’s Accreditation Council, Nancy Levitt-Rosenthal, passed away on August 28, 2024, after a fight with cancer from last fall.
I first met Nancy in 1998, when she was a Senior Vice President at Greenwich Hospital in Connecticut, part of the Yale New Haven Health System. I was an executive with Solucient, who provided support for the system’s strategic initiatives. Nancy and the team at YNHHS pushed themselves to serve their community, were true innovators, and were also a great group of professionals.
In 2017, New Haven University applied for CAHME Accreditation. Nancy was an adjunct faculty member and we reconnected. Her support for healthy communities was exceeded only by her passion for future leaders of healthcare. Nancy volunteered to be a site visitor. Her insights and commitment led to the CAHME Board naming Nancy to be a member of CAHME’s Accreditation Council.
Nancy was always prepared, asked good questions, and provided insight from both the perspective of a (then former) faculty member as well as a senior healthcare executive. She was an influential and highly respected Council member.
She was a proud graduate from the University of Michigan, served as an ACHE Regent, and had been the President of the Connecticut ACHE chapter.
While we lost a true champion, our profession and the communities she served benefited from a person who led a life of purpose and meaning.
We extend our deepest condolences to her husband Jonathan, sons Geoffrey and Alex, and her family during this difficult time.
Donations to a scholarship fund in honor of Nancy can be made to CAHME, PO Box 911, Spring House, PA, 19477 and note that it is for the scholarship fund.
Apply for CAHME Awards
CAHME celebrates students, accredited programs, and site visitors who exemplify our mission of advancing the quality of healthcare management education. Award recipients receive a scholarship or grant, recognition in CAHME and partner media, a physical award to commemorate their achievement, and other benefits. The CAHME Award Ceremony will be taking place on Sunday, March 23, 2025 in Houston, TX immediately before ACHE Congress.
To learn more about the CAHME awards, go to cahme.org/awards.
CAHME/The Joint Commission Fellowship Information Session Recap
On August 29, 2024 an information session was held for the CAHME/The Joint Commission Fellowship Award for Advancing Sustainable Health Care.
Mark A. Crafton, MPA, MT(ASCP), Executive Director, Strategic Alliances, Mission Development and Organization Engagement from The Joint Commission, inaugural fellow, Sadie Joba, MS-HSM, joined CAHME to provide an overview about the fellowship.
The CAHME/The Joint Commission Fellowship Award is a one-year fellowship beginning July 1, 2025. Visit cahme.org/jointcommission to apply and review the recording/slides. Applications are due September 27, 2024.
Candidacy Process Roundtable (CPR) Educational Series
The CPR series helps programs submit a Candidacy application. Upcoming CPR sessions are listed at cahme.org/events/. Register for sessions by contacting Tecia Mentzer at tmentzer@cahme.org. The next session:
September 4, 10:30am EDT
Teaching and Assessment
Criteria IIl.C.2 (IIl.C.1)
Note that the candidacy application submission due date is October 15, 2024.
CAHME/AACSB Joint Site Visits
Learn about the benefits of doing a CAHME/AACSB joint site visit from individuals involved in the process by visiting cahme.org/aacsb.
CAHME Accredited & Certified Program Students Eligible for Complimentary MGMA Benefit
CAHME partners with our Corporate Member, the Medical Group Management Association (MGMA), to offer students in CAHME-accredited programs, CAHME Certified programs in Healthcare Quality and Safety and in Population Health Management free access to membership in MGMA. CAHME is excited to announce this partnership will be continuing this academic year.
Over 1,900 individuals joined MGMA for free over the last two years through CAHME and MGMA’s partnership. To power careers in ambulatory care and medical practice management, students receive these exclusive benefits:
MGMA’s DataDive University (a version of MGMA’s DataDive designed for classroom learning)
Essentials of Group Practice Management course (perfect to add to medical practice management curriculum!)
Mentor partnerships designed for early careerist members (perfect for your students who want to learn from leaders in the roles they’re looking to grow into!)
To review the complete list of benefits, visit mgma.com/cahme.
CAHME and MGMA also provide a complimentary membership to one program director and one faculty member at each program. If you previously participated in this partnership, you need to opt in again.
To opt in, complete the link below by Monday, October 2, 2024. If your university previously opted in, fill out the form again this year. The sign-up form collects faculty contact information to set up your free faculty membership accounts and to establish a process for students to register independently in keeping with FERPA requirements. MGMA will handle all logistics, including how students access the benefits, after you complete the survey.
If you have questions, contact Brianna Moccia, CAHME Communications Specialist at bmoccia@cahme.org.
2024 CAHME Site Visitor Update
The 2024 CAHME Site Visitor Update can be viewed now within the Core Learning Center (CLC) site visitor module, “Preparing for a Site Visit.” You can login to view the course within the CLC using the following link. Click here to access the 2024 Site Visitor Update
This year’s update includes the following topics:
- Introduction to new Lunch & Learn training sessions
- Review of new CAHME site visitor “tool kit”
- Findings library (new initiative to be implemented in FY 2025)
- Transitioning from Syllabus Cover Sheets to Checklist
This brief 30-minute training course is required for all site visitors. The deadline to complete the course is September 30, 2024.
When you have successfully completed the training, which involves a brief video and quiz, you will receive an official Site Visitor Update 2024 badge via e-mail. In order to completely finish the course, you must click “Finish Review” at the very bottom right of the quiz results page. If you have any issues with logging into the Core Learning Center or completing the training, contact Melissa Cross at mcross@cahme.org.
Your role as site visitors is critical in ensuring CAHME’s mission of advancing the quality of healthcare management education. We thank you for volunteering your time and appreciate your support.
If you have any questions reach out to Melissa Sanseverino, CPA, Chief Financial Officer at msanseverino@cahme.org.
Focus on Faculty: Lesley Clack, ScD, CPH
Dr. Clack notes that CAHME accreditation provides a common thread of program quality, even as each program maintains its unique structure or curriculum. Dr. Clack’s experience with CAHME — which has also included serving on task forces—has “benefited me as an administrator. The overall in-depth knowledge of an accreditation process has been tremendous because I have programs with other accreditations in my department. It really has a lot of transferability that you can then apply to other accreditations.” To find out more about Clack’s involvement with CAHME, vis https://cahme.org/lesley-clack/.
CAHME Upcoming Events
Check out CAHME’s Events calendar for upcoming Educational Sessions, Deadlines and Meetings at cahme.org/events/.