CAHME/Canon Award for Excellence in Sustainability in Healthcare Management Education and Practice

“At the heart of Canon’s commitment to the world community is the belief that we are building a better world for future generations.”
Joe Adachi, Chairman and CEO, Canon U.S.A., Inc.

This national award is inspired by Canon’s contributions to a sustainable society.  It serves to incorporate the ideals of sustainability in future healthcare leaders. It recognizes the significant influence of education on creating sustainable, inclusive, and socially responsible healthcare organizations.


  • CAHME Accredited or Certified Program
  • Nominations must be made by the students Program Director, or a faculty member on behalf of the University Program Director
  • Your curriculum integrates concepts of sustainability and social responsibility in healthcare management education and practice.

What You Need to Apply

  • Program Director Contact Information
  • University Information
  • Initial CAHME Accreditation or Certification Year

Nomination Essay

We recommend typing your essay responses in a saved document outside of the online application in case of technical difficulties. You may copy and paste from your personal document to the online application when you are ready.

1. In no more than 250 words (limit to 1,250 characters) provide a short overview of your Program, including how it meets the mission of CAHME.

2. Canon’s philosophy is Kyosei defined as “all people, regardless of race, religion, or culture, harmoniously living and working together into the future.” Taking a broader view of sustainability as a combination of cultural competency, community involvement, environmental focus, and accessibility. In no more than 500 words (limit to 2,500 characters), explain how your program manifests sustainability ideals using:

    • Required and elective courses.
    • Alumni sharing their knowledge and practical experiences with current students.
    • Experiential opportunities like internships, fellowships, or residencies.

3. In no more than 150 words (limit to 600 character) explain how your program is committed to sustainability initiatives.

4. In no more than 150 words (limit to 600 character) explain how your program will utilize the grant to further support sustainability initiatives.

Letters of Recommendation

Please note that you must have a google mail email to upload attachments to the application form.

  • Alumni Letter(s)(at least 1, no more than 3): Discuss how your program’s commitment to sustainability affected professional development.
  • Student Letter(s)(at least 1, no more than 3): Discuss how your program’s commitment to sustainability influenced their attitudes and behaviors.
  • Sustainability Office or Appropriate Administrative Staff Letter (1): Detail the University’s commitment to sustainability.

If you receive the award, you agree to:

  • Have one representative present at ACHE Congress in Houston for the CAHME Awards Ceremony on Sunday, March 23, 2025
  • Make a short video about your success, to be presented at the Award Ceremony and featured on the CAHME website.
  • Participate in future white paper research efforts around sustainability education in healthcare management in partnership with Canon Solution America executives.

Award Includes

  • One-time scholarship of $5,000.00 scholarship grant awarded to the Program faculty to further research of sustainability in healthcare
  • One complimentary ticket to the CAHME Awards Ceremony on March 23, 2025, at ACHE Congress
  • Distinctive Award Presented at the CAHME Awards Ceremony
  • Recognition in Modern Healthcare and on CAHME’s website and social media

2025 Award Recipients

Congratulations to the Florida International University – Healthcare MBA Program!

Congratulations to the Healthcare Management Consortium for Planetary Health*. The application submitted by RUSH University, Master of Science in Health Systems Management, included the Master of Healthcare Administration program at University of Minnesota, the Master of Health Administration program at Virginia Commonwealth University and the Master of Health Science in Health Administration program at the University of Toronto.

For More Information:

Dana Alexander, MHA
Communications and Engagement Manager
301-298-1820 ext. 6