Site Visitor Lunch and Learn


Welcome to the Lunch & Learn, CAHME's new monthly criteria training series! All site visitors are invited to attend these interactive sessions where we will split into teams, review a criterion response, and debate. These exercises and the related discussion will improve our understanding of the criteria and consistency in decision making.

The topic for this Lunch & Learn is Criterion II.A.3

Register here:

CAHME Awards & Scholarship Submission Due Date

CAHME Website

CAHME Award and Scholarship submissions are due November 8, 2024. For more information:
NOTE: Applications for the Joint Commission Fellowship are due September 27, 2024

Site Visitor Lunch and Learn


Welcome to the Lunch & Learn, CAHME's new monthly criteria training series! All site visitors are invited to attend these interactive sessions where we will split into teams, review a criterion response, and debate. These exercises and the related discussion will improve our understanding of the criteria and consistency in decision making.

The topic for this Lunch & Learn is Criterion II.A.5

Register here: